Antiques, Art, Design
Throughout history artists , artisans, designers along with craftsmen and women, have produced objects of quality and style that transcend the shortlived fashion fads. It is our privilege to discover , salvage, restore and offer these items to the next generation of users and custodians.
Buchanan and Laing individually, have been associated with art, antiques, interior design for many years. Stretching back to the later 20th century and more actively the past decade.
Having sought out , found and sold everything from the ancient to high end modern, we have learned that the most important thing is to ensure we offer items that are as good as new, have real aesthetic value and can fit into any environment as well as give our clients on-going joy. Whether it is a painting , sculpture, piece of furniture, or something purely decorative or totatally practical, it will always be 'honest' and offered at a fair price. We want everyone to get the same enjoyment as we do and never regret buying anything, small or large.